26 Mar 2008

Not So Wordless In the Mountains

Since when did 4 adults + 3 children = 6 cell phones?


Caffienated Cowgirl said...

LOL! But how do you tell the matching ones apart? My hubby and I had to get different colored versions of the same model :)

Wonderful World of Weiners said...


I'd LIKE to tell you that 8 legged dinner plate is not of this world but since it waved goodbye and said "heading out to go visit Heidi" I'm just not sure.

Hope he isnt hungry when he arrives!!

God, I am going to have nightmares FOREVER!


Beth Cotell said...

But wait! That means someone is without a cell phone! Looks like you need to get one more! :)

Badness Jones said...

That's hilarious - it's a different world, isn't it? My grandfather was a surgeon, and he took all the radios out of his family's cars because he'd sewn up so many accident victims...I can only imagine what he'd say if he saw us with our dvds and cellphones!

Unknown said...

We're sooooo behind the times. We only have one...and I barely even use it. :-)

Not Your Regular Mini Van Mom said...

Holy technology Batman! LOL

Anonymous said...

So who didn't have a phone?

Anonymous said...

Sign of the times huh. I remember I didn't even get a cell phone until I was married. Now we don't even have a land line anymore.

dawn klinge said...

That's pretty funny! My daughter wants one so bad right now.

Don Mills Diva said...

That is the very picture of our modern age! We use walky-talkies when skiing - they are awesome!

Ice Cream said...

Now, how many remotes do you have?

Annie said...

All I can do is laugh and wonder along with Ice Cream, how many remotes do you have? LOL! Great pic!

Christie said...

That is just too funny. Love your winter/Easter pictures, too. Makes me cold. When does spring hit Scandinavia?

Jennifer said...

Ha! But did they work up high?

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Aaah, just like home!

Irishcoda said...

LOL, what only 6? We have 7 in the house and 6 cell phones. The little one is only 4. But I have grandsons in TN and already they want cells too, they are 13 and 12

Unknown said...

Life in the modern world. I still like using the 5 mile walkie talkies when we are on vacation- great reception everywhere- easier to replace when lost or broken- and when you leave the country you can offer them as a gift to the loyal staff.

Laura said...

Things, they are a-changing...or is that a-charging!!!!

WOW - crazy isn't it?

Beck said...

Jeepers, you guys! WE got our first cell phone this year, but we're Luddites and live on the moon.

Rebecca said...

My nieces have cell phones. I'm they're most frequently called number 8-) But at least they have them for emergency purposes. (of course I did tell my sister that the youngest should probably just get an old disconected cell phone - those can only call 911)

Happy WW :-)

Rebecca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Beth said...

I have a cell phone that I keep forgetting to charge, or once I charge it, I tend to leave it on the cord and forget to bring it with me. Good thing I hate talking on the phone. None of this is lessening my NEED for an iphone though:)

Mrs. G. said...

Dang! That's a lot of phones to keep up with.

Fannie said...

We were 5 adults + 5 kids with nine phones last week. And only because the 9 year old is a boy who doesn't feel the NEED to be in constanct contact.

Mitchypoo said...

A sign of the times I'd say. Happy WW!

Melissa said...

ha ha ah! I love it! Kind of irronic.. a WW with nothing but cellphone and texting :)

Cathy, Amy and Kristina said...

OK, that is hilarious!

Heidi said...

We are still not willing to give one to our kids, 9 and 4. I am sure it won't be long before they break down our resolve.

jennwa said...

Yikes! I would hate to see that bill,especially if my kids were talking on them.

kim-d said...

I just cannot help but wonder what would happen if you gave Benjamin unlimited access to a cell phone. UFF DA! :)

I am SO HAPPY you're back, Heidi...I really missed you!

Stomper Girl said...

Does this mean your boys share one? Hope there's no fighting....

Anonymous said...

And two sets of matchies! I guess I can figure out the adults?

P-Dawg said...

So much for getting away from it all, eh?

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Welcome to the world of digital! That shot truly said it all! :)

Amy said...

Can you hear me now?!? he he he

Kyla said...

Gotta stay connected! LOL.

Candy said...

Better yet, how do you keep all the charges for all those friends coordinated?

Amy Y said...

I think it's cute that they all match :) And it must be comforting to your friends and family to know that they can always reach you, even if a battery or two are dead!

Nadine said...

One family member must feel very disconnected :)

That's Generation Y staring you in the face.

painted maypole said...

is that bailey's I spy in the top of pic? yum...