8 Nov 2007

One Night In Dubai

We had invited my parents over for dinner last night, and Mike and I were in the kitchen prepping an easy Tex-Mex dinner while the boys were watching TV. Suddenly, Christopher came running into the kitchen, and he was extremely excited:

C: "Did you know that the most expensive hotel in the world is in Saudi Arabia?"
Me: "Oh, really? I thought it was in Dubai."
C: "Yes, that's right."
Me: (??!) "It's the one that looks like a sail, right?"
C: "Yep. It's a seven star hotel!"
Me: "Wow."
C: "And when you go, they give you your own butler!"
Me: "That's great, Christopher."
C: "Yes, and if you go out shopping and you have too many shopping bags, your butler will take them to the hotel for you. Then he'll come back and get you when you're done with the rest of your shopping!"
Me: "Excellent."
C: "It costs 3,000 dollars a night."

Mike (loudly, because he's now setting the table in the dining room): "That's a lot of money. For that amount of money, you could buy a PlayStation, an XBOX 360, a Wii and 20 games."

Benjamin (yelling from the living room, having heard only the last part of the conversation): "I want a Wii and 20 games."

Christopher walks back into the living room to Benjamin.

B (still yelling): "I want a Wii and 20 games!"
C (clearly exasperated with everyone for missing the point): "But Benjamin! You could have a servant."


Nadine said...

Hahaha! That is hilarious! Besides, he already has a loyal servant: his mommy ;)

morag said...

I always liked the way Christopher thinks.

Anonymous said...

Money is relative to kids. A servant would be nice though. lol

Valarie said...

What a smart, smart boy! :)

Mad said...

Oh my! How did you respond to that one? Giggles or an object lesson in life? I would've gone for the former.

Victoria said...

I'm with MH - I'd want to go all Life Lesson on my kid if he asked for a servant, but then *I* want a servant/caregiver/butler/wife, so, giggles it would be.

But a Wii and 20 games? That sounds pretty cool too. =)

Jenn Casey said...

I'm with Christopher--I'd love to have a servant. Instead, my 5 year old believes that I am his servant! And trust me, I'm not making any $3000 a night for it either!

Great post!

Julie Pippert said...

Too funny! I like the way that Christopher thinks!

Using My Words

Jen said...

I've read about this hotel - pretty amazing.

I didn't see an email in your profile, so I'll just send you a couple of Philanthropy Thursday links - I started it a couple of months ago, and if you're interested in joining in I love that!! If you have any more questions my email is in my profile ;)



Candy said...

That's great! I can picture that exact scenario happening at my house, because no one really listens to each other here either. One of mine would have only heard the "You could have a Wii and 20 games" portion and decide if SHE was getting that HE wanted it too! I love how small their worlds are, sometimes.

Ice Cream said...

What a comical way to start your dinner. I'm sure it made for lively discussion over the food.

Anonymous said...

I was right there with you, smiling along, because we have conversations similar to this (not quite, kids are still a bit young) but my oldest will butt into a conversation from another room because he heard part of it and zeros in on it.

But when you got to that last line and what Christopher said I was just thankful I didn't have diet coke in my mouth or I would be cleaning it off my screen.

That's a boy who has his priorities straight. LOL

Kellan said...

This was so funny and so the way almost all the conversations happen in my house!! No one ever gets the point - especially if I'm the one trying to make it. Good post - see ya.

Karen MEG said...

Funny how those little boy ears' perk up as soon as they hear a potential Wii and games?
Christopher's on the right track, isn't he?
Too hilarious!

Kat said...

Ahhhh. I could think of some fun things to do for $3000 a night too.

Heidi said...

LOL! I want a servent, but you already know that!

Mrs. G. said...

It's all about priorities isn't it.

She She said...

I'd take the servant. It's one of the only reasons I look forward to infirm old age -- I get to have someone wait on me.

thirtysomething said...

OMG. I know. The whole idea of money simply can't be understood until boys grow out of the phase of video games (which often never actually happens it seems). "what do you mean I can't have THAT one..so it is $40.00...so?, just go to the ATM"
Yeah, SURE wish it was that simple.

Christopher is a smart smart boy.

familymclean said...

Boys are so funny! Great story!
What I could do with $3000, oh ya, my bathroom renos, that is what I am doing.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

I cant stop laughing. I could actually practically HEAR all of this going on in your house.

Christie said...

Isn't that just the way of communicating with kids? It's all about the yelling from another room, only hearing part of the conversation, and then being bugged that nobody is taking your fine suggestion of buying a Wii and 20 games. Classic.

Gina said...

I totally want the servant.

Rima said...

Your boys sound so endearing, Heidi! As appealing as that hotel butler sounds, I think it would make me feel really funny to have someone (besides the P-dog) waiting on me hand and foot that way.

Also, you can buy ingredients for Tex-Mex in Norway???

Chantal said...

LOL I am with him on the servant thing!

Amy Y said...

I think I'd choose a servant :)

hokgardner said...

I'm with Christopher - I want a servant!

chichimama said...

Too funny! Clearly he has priorities....

the dragonfly said...

I love "overhearing" kids' conversations. It's amazing how differently they see things. Sometimes it's overwhelming, other times...

...well, sometimes I wish I had a servant, too! :)

Steph said...

Too funny :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog recently and your comment. I'll definitely be back by yours :)

Anonymous said...

Shoot, for $3,000 you could hire a servant for a month at your own house! I wouldn't pay more than $300 to stay one night in a hotel. I hope they at least get a free robe to take home or something...

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Hmm, a servant or a Wii and 20 games... Such tough decisions to make.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

I wouldn't mind having a butler around here. Nor would I mind shopping all day!
Oh I linked your blog on mine, hope that is okay:)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Ahh yess, what a smart smart boy already. Me thinks you have a genius on your hands! ;)

MAN, I'd take the servant.

Stomper Girl said...

Oh I'm with Christopher. I would LOVE to have a servant.

Cathy, Amy and Kristina said...

I want a personal assistant who keeps up with my personal and family life. Appoinments, hair upkeep, kids' shots, shopping, etc...

painted maypole said...

why pay that kind of money for a servant? isn't that what moms are for?

Liesl said...

Oh yeah, go for the butler!

Aliki2006 said...

Money and kids...yes, a combination designed to bring out the hilarious!

Kristi B said...

Hilarious! I agree with Christopher---I'd much rather have a servant! oh to have a servant....

Ms. Skywalker said...

That's it.

I'm raising my rates.

Jennifer said...

Christopher knows where it's at! I saw a special about that hotel -- it's insane. Nearby, there is a shopping mall with an indoor ski hill. Yes, indoor skiing in the middle of the desert.

I'll take the servant. ;)

Anonymous said...

That's my kind of boy.

Unknown said...

SHHHH-don't tell your boys-- but I just got a Playstation3 and 2 games in the mail, with 6 blu ray movies on the way...

but I really want a servant!

Kyla said...

That is hilarious!!

S said...

Look at all these comments!

You've arrived, lady!

Christopher sounds like a RIOT.

Forest Parks said...

Ha Ha, I wish there was more blogs written by kids They really be the funniest most interesting places to be!

Dana said...

Heehee, this *really* made me laugh. The analogy would go over well in this household. I'd rather have the servant too, but I'd be in the minority here.

TheOneTrueSue said...

Ha - LOL. 49 comments! Woooooo!!!!