Last night we went to Benjamin's Christmas Show with all the grade 2s in his Norwegian school.
The children enthusiastically sang several songs for us, all the while demonstrating highly sophisticated scarf movements. Not always in tune, but never without gusto.
Many of them also had roles in a play. Unfortunately, I am unable to relay to you the riveting story of the play, but it definitely had something to do with...eh...Christmas?

When it came to delivering their lines, the children seemed to have three options:
A. Shout them loudly, thus making me worry that the sound system might implode.
B. Whisper them softly, so I wondered if the system had in fact shut down.
C. Use a normal voice, reassuring me that the sound system was OK, but speakveryveryquickly, leaving me none the wiser as to the plot of the story.
The show was high on adorability, if less so on actual ability. A great time was had by all, and we went home with an extremely proud 7 year old. Who - if I may brag - was one of the most enthusiastic singers of all, in Norwegian.

That little B is the cutest thing ever!
I agree, those grade school concerts are not always the best for content, but the pride the kids have when they are done is priceless!
And, your advent wreath turned out great!
Oh does he look cute! And so happy. I'm looking forward to the day when we will have school concerts to attend. I know, I know, some of them are torture, but I'm still looking forward to it.
I LIVE for the Christmas concert. Short on talent, long on entertainment!
LOL at the three methods for delivering line...so true!
Great photos. :)
Using My Words
Awww...I just love it! I can see from the pix that the adorability factor was OFF THE CHARTS! I think your boy has a lot to be proud of; according to my 100% Norwegian paternal grandmother, Norwegian is not an easy language to speak--MUCH LESS SING! And, too, it looks to me like they should all get an "A" for the costume effort--SO CUTE, and so glad you shared!
He is so cute. From what you've shared, it definitely sounds high on the adorability chart! :) Thanks for sharing.
Those are the best pictures!!!!!!!!!!
I love the theatre!
So cute! I love all the red outfits, they look so terribly festive!
I totally miss the school concerts, the best part of school:)
He looks so proud, and so sweet. I love kid pageants and shows. Even before I had children, they'd make me go all misty.
I like the Christmas/scarf theme. Santa and his elves must always be properly accessorized.
How cute!!!
I can't wait til my kids are old enough for these types of performances!!!
He is too cute!
I also totally look forward to seeing my kids up on the stage one day, though my memories as a kid are of blinding spotlights and hundreds of faces,,,and that is all.
Hope theirs are better!
Yes, but the adorability factor is NOT to be underestimated!!
LOL! Isn't that always how kids deliver?! But it's always so sweet regardless. They look sooo cute.
Those pics are adorable!! I remember CJ and Connor's school shows (so many years ago - gosh I'm old!) and I loved them all. Bet the Air Force doesn't put on many Holiday plays for the families!!! :-)
Thanks for the recommendation on the Jarlsberg....I'll be getting out this weekend and buying some.
I really dont think CJ will refer to his plane as the GOODSHIP HALLIPOP but I intend to ask him to.... I can tell him it's ALL I WANT FOR XMAS!!! (and a PRADA bag, of course!!)
Oh, my! So cute and enthusiastic! Ours (a holiday program) is next Friday - my Boy has been practicing his "Snowman Rap" (whatever that is! LOL!)
Cute pics!!!
I always find grade school Christmas pageants highly entertaining, no matter how well executed the performance.
Double extra bonus points for Benjamin singing in Norweigan! Woot!
"High on adorability" - I'll just bet it was!! Great pictures and they just look so darling. Take care, Heidi - see you soon.
OH SO CUTE! I can't wait for these concerts some day, they really are so priceless, no?
Look at all those adorable, little Norwegian children. I want to smoosh them.
And I must say, your child, though not Norwegian, is particularly darling.
How funny. I'm in charge of a little Christmas play being put on by our little co-op group. it will be very, uh, "interesting" as we try to learn in and perform it in under two weeks.
I love going to the school shows, my face hurts by the end from all the smiling!!! Thanks for sharing!
The concert and play sound absolutely sweet!
I live for these goofy kid events. I drink in all the smiles and pink cheeks. I wish I could have seen some of those sophisticated scarf movements. Next time, film it.
Oh my - he looks so proud of himself. So cute! Hope you got video.
So. Very. Cute!
LOL My 5 year old has his Christmas program in a couple weeks and I can't wait! He has a speaking part and he is so excited. I love these things.
Adorable pictures! Events like that really help build Christmas spirit.
Oh how very, very precious! So sweet.
Aw, so cute. You forgot one very important category - the kid who forgets his line :>
They are simply adorable!
Gotta love a school concert. brings out the stage mother in me. They look so sweet, especially your lad.
That is too cute! I am looking forward to the church Christmas play on Sunday. If the practice runs we're blessed with at the dinner table are any indication, I'm sure we're in for much the same deal:)
Oooh, scarves. Who knew that the Vikings created Rhythmic Dancing? How festive!
I love the kid's concerts. I don't think they're supposed to be big on talent....they all look very cute in their red and white though!
What a great post! Loved the three methods for speaking - too funny - and boy, your little guy is so cute and proud! What a great experience!
Thanks for sharing!
The costumes are the cutest! What would Christmas be like without a Christmas concert! How fun!
Oh my. My heart actually pitter-pattered looking at those pictures.
Something about kids and holidays and magic.
Gets me each time.
HOw lovely!
I'm loving all of the stockinged feet and ruddy cheeked little faces! So cute!
So very cute, they are all so cute when they do those recitals, aren't they?
Awww, B boy looks so cute and so PROUD!!!! Like his Mama; I'm sure you're so thrilled he's picked up the Norwegian language- Yay!!!!
We attended our first such affair Tuesday.
Oh, the cuteness! I got all teary-eyed just watching Son walk across the stage.
By the time Daughter started with the hand motions, I was sobbing.
Love the pics!
as a director of many christmas programs with children who have no true desire to be a part of them (and also no particulary talent-not that NONE of the kids do, and clearly YOUR boy had LOTs of norwegian talent, and I know of which I speak when it comes to singing in a foreign language! hee hee) I have learned that the cute factor is much more important than the understanding the story factor.
sounds like the program was full of cute factor. ;)
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