You see, Kim, I am not Chief of the Camera. My role is limited to gently inquiring "Did you bring the camera?" To which I invariably hear a friendly, but ever-so-slightly exasperated "Of course!"
So it figures that the day I decide to trust, to let go of my control issues and believe...He.Forgets.The.Damn.Camera. I will not get into how utterly beautiful the day was. How the snow glistened like diamonds on the trees, how the sun rose just past the horizon to warm up noses and hands. How the hill was completely devoid of people and totally silent, and all we could hear were Benjamin's squeals of delight and the soft swoosh of the snow as we raced down the hills. (There's sound in photos, people. Work it. And say it with me -- his fault.)
But! My hubster did recover some good will when he managed to snap the following shots with his cell phone:

On the Christmas front, I am happy to report that Mike has been getting in touch with his crafty side. This is a truly wonderful thing, since I don't have such a side. I am craft-less. Crafts are best done with me on the sidelines, cheering from a safe distance. And documenting for my blog, of course.
So without further ado, I give you Monday's creation, courtesy of Mike and the boys:

The gingerbread house has retained its roof for 4 days now. A career best chez Viking Conquest.
This unexpected crafting success is taking my boys into bold, new, unexplored territory. Behold this evening's action:

The performance anxiety:

I know! It's getting downright scary. In fact, the kids quickly decided that PlayStation was a safer bet, leaving me with this:

I gotta love a guy who can make cute Santa decorations!
And speaking of cute, here's my B boy before going to the theatre with his Mormor last night:

Before you "awwww" too much, I should tell you that the pattern on the tie is all skulls. As in pirate skulls. Johnny Depp, take note!
And, for my Grand Finale, the gorgeous Swarowski crystal decoration my wonderful and incredibly kind friend Morag sent to me from Canada:

And that concludes the Picture Event.
Happy Weekend everyone! I'm hoping to squeeze in at least one more post before Christmas, but for those of you who are signing off from the blogosphere today - Happy Holidays!
How is it that guys always seem to get out of it somehow? I mean, we always strive to be so organized, remember all the details, nag, nag etc...they take forever and forget all the details... and yet in the end, it usually works out! And it's up to us to "take the chill pill".
Those pictures via the cell phone are actually pretty good! I'm impressed with the house too, that a lot of it didn't get eaten along the way :)
Ooooh! We've got the gingerbread house to do tomorrow....maybe if I show this to Hubs he'll take over and I can go out by myself! Yeah....I didn't really think so either....
We've got a gingerbread house waiting for the kids' cousins arrival this weekend. The skiing looks great - it's always nice when you are the only ones on the slopes and no lift lines! Yay for a mental health day :)
Yeah for a crafty hubby! Totally makes up for the camera incident in my book :-).
Great pics!
I love all the pictures and the fact that your sweet husband (good looking too I might add - think I've told you that before - but he is - boy or boy ...) made that cute gingerbread house with your boys - how cute is that? I can't believe everyone is getting to go skiing but me (we aren't going this year until maybe March - boo hoo) - your pictures were beautiful. Hope you have a great weekend - see you soon. Kellan
In one word, Gaw-Jus.
Now I understand why you miss your husband when he's away...he's crafty...and cute.
Happy Holidays!
oh shoot. Our gingerbread house is still in the box. I can't face it right now lol. All that mess is what I'm thinking. Maybe I could shame my hubby into it by mentioning yours?
I love all the pictures! Thanks so much for them and Merry Christmas to you too!
opps! That last one (isaac) was me. I had no idea Isaac had an account. What a great parent I am eh?! lol
What a start studded clan you are.
Best wishes
This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"which takes you straight to my new blog.
That Swarovski ornament would have an extremely short life around here. Good luck.
Excuse me, missy, but is THAT you're husband? Because if so, you've got some nerve zoning in on my George. That guy is amazingly gorgeous. I may have to rethink things here ;)
Oh tree pictures. Or something.
Looks like great ski trip! I love those gingerbread houses - too much fun!
I like the skulls, myself. Happy Christmas!
I am seriously loving that gingerbread house!
And his cell phone shots? Are better than anything I could get on a camera!
Great pics! I love the trees laden with snow. A gorgeous winter wonderland.
And you little man is adorable even with the skull tie. ;) Such a cutie.
Great gingerbread house too!
That is a lot of cuteness!!! And ome delish looking house too. The crystal ornament is to die for. I love Swartskys!!!
We're doing our gingerbread house tomorrow. If we can get it to stand upright with just one try, it will be a good day.
Very cool!
I love your gingerbread house, ours was a disaster!
And why can't my husband be all crafty like yours? Why?
we'll be making a gingerbread house tomorrow!
and those pics with a camera phone? crazy good.
Not bad for a cell phone!
And all these beautiful gingerbread creations I've been seeing everywhere are starting to give me performance anxiety! Ours were not nearly as pretty!
And, of course, what handsome men you have there! :)
Oh my gosh--where do I even start! Cell phone pictures? That must be one heckuva good cell phone because the pictures are beauteous. Where you are? Takes Winter Wonderland to a whole new level!!!
As for B-Boy's skull tie? BWAHAHAHA! That is totally something one of my 8 year-old grandsons would do, and I love it. And crafty; oh my gosh, they're crafty, too! The gingerbread house is rather a work of art--I mean, really, would ya just look at the detail on that roof. And a quick final thought...
Your husband Mike. Ummmm...let me just say this. George who? I'll tell you something that is just a fact, Heidi--you have a SERIOUSLY handsome husband...WHO MAKES SANTA DECORATIONS :)! You + Mike + 2 Cute Boys = BEAUTIFUL FAMILY...
And thank you for the pix :)!!!
Your husbands talents amaze me!! I think I'll show John and see if I can guilt him into something crafty!! :-)
Hi Heidi - just wanted to say that I hope you have a good weekend and hope I'll be seeing you over the Holidays - see you soon. Kellan
Oh, I am SO drooling over those ski trip pictures! When we lived in Italy we had the most fabulous skiing experiences.
And that gingerbread looks pretty good, too.
OOps I commented for this post on your last post!
Beautiful snow!
Handsome husband!
Funny tie!
Merry Christmas!
Sandy :)
What a terrific gingerbread house! I love it. Also, love the tie with the "Nightmare Before Christmas" theme. lol...
I can not believe those are cell phone shots!! How fantasticly gorgeous!!
And that gingerbread house? Wow! My mouth is hanging open... very cool :)
Love those pictures - thanks for (finally!) sharing...:)
Hoorah for the cell phone and crafty husbands! I hope you have a great Christmas too - I've really enjoyed reading your blog this year and hope there will be lots more posts to come!
Bummer on the camera but it happens! You're keeping up withthe blogging SO much better than I am right now. Just not enough time! ENjoy the holidays
your husband's a fox. you should definitely post more pics...:)
seriously, the joy over there is contagious.
Wonderful photos!
Terrific photos, we ran out of time for our gingerbread house. Oh well, maybe we can do it for New Year's.
Your ski trip looks fab and your family is so gorgeous.
Happy Holidays.
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