As you know, last week's rain melted much of the snow around the school playground.

However, freezing temperatures over the weekend have covered the ground with a slippery sheet of solid ice. Since the school is in a small forest, with nary a flat surface in sight, this makes for extremely treacherous passage.

Benjamin practicing the bum walk
While we realize you have no control over the changing weather patterns, we feared broken bones had our boys (and, in particular, accident-in-waiting B boy) attended school today.
This explains why they were not present at attendance call this morning, and we hope you understand that we only acted with the best interests of our children in mind.
We also want to assure you that despite missing school, the boys did work very, very hard today.
In fact, they are absolutely wiped after a long day in our improvised classroom...

...where we covered science:
What goes up....

must come down:

How long does it take a 7 year old to complete a slalom run? What about an 11 year old?

...a vision test:
Who can spot the numbers on the chair lift?

...and even geography:
Name that town:

Our only regret is that we ran out of time before we could get to the ethics and morals class. We will be covering that subject later (just as soon as the boys have forgotten the meaning of the word truancy, which they picked up during our language class).
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The Responsible Parents of Christopher and Benjamin
Now that's a lesson any kid would enjoy! How fun. BTW I was skiing at Georgian Peaks this past weekend...
Very funny! And WAY clever!! How could the principal do anything BUT applaud your efforts? After all, you ONLY dd this cuz you were concerned for their safety!!
Oh, Heidi, how incredibly beautiful is that place. It makes me extremely proud of my Norwegian "part"!!
And that Benjamin? He is a boy after my own heart as I, too, am an accident waiting to happen and would not get through the ice-walk unscathed! You did the only responsible thing. And, furthermore, Principal Larsen is not the boss of you. HAHAHA!
Have I told you lately how envious I am? Well, I am...
WONDERFUL!!!!! the world is our classroom!
Obviously, it sucks being your kids. What, with the forced lessons and all.
What a gorgeous day they had!
My kids' school yard turned into a big pit of icy mud a few weeks back and they'd return home FILTHY every afternoon. Ew!
What a great day! You know I am so jealous of the snow and the skiing - what fun! I loved this letter - too cute. See you soon. Kellan
I dare not show this to my boys. They will want to sign up for your home school.
Although, with my clutziness, I'm not sure which is more dangerous - skiing or walking in the ice woods.
You and Mike are such uber parents. Life lessons, that's what it's all about. Treacherous terrain at school vs. skiing, hmmmm, let's think about it!
(It looks like going down on the bum was the more fun way for B-boy anyway!)
Speaking of bum(mer) they're only doing skating as the primary elective this year, so B's not missing much. If Ian can get the time off, we may have to borrow your curriculum and take the boy north.
super cool parents, you.
love your idea of a lesson plan. some things can't be learned in the classroom! hope you don't mind me stopping by. i got your link from kim-d.
LOL! yay for playing hooky!! Lovely photos. You make me green with envy! Can I come "study" with your boys? =)
Ha ha ha. I think I'm going to have you write all my childrens' absent notes to school from now on.
Ha! That's a well rounded slope school day if I ever saw one!
Man - can I come to your school?! That's more fun than I've had in ages!
What a terrific way to spend a school day! Absolutely perfect.
Hilarious letter!
What's a stolen Ice Day here and there in the grand scheme of things?
They learned that you are cool parents who love them and that life should include some stolen moments of fun.
I had a good laugh at this post and no I'm not going to show it to my kids. I wouldn't want them to get any ideas!
LOL! That is great. The bum slide actually looks like it might be kinda fun! I would give it a shot.
That is some serious ice, I would've done the same thing. You do have your children's safety to consider, you know. And where else are they going to learn so much in one day than on the slopes? :)
You are a fabulous teacher! Anything can be turned into a learning experience if you just look for the opportunities. It looks like a very fun day and I loved the letter to the school.
Love the pics. We might take the kids skiing this weekend.
Hahaha! Good for you - you wouldn't want them risking their necks sliding into school!
Yay! sometimes you just have to say "what the eff"
Umm, where can I sign up for those classes myself? Awesome shots. I love that letter. Very clever!
I appreciate how you covered all the core concepts--are you sure you aren't a homeschooler?
They probalby learned more at your improvised school than they would have in their real school!
Fun! Can I send my kids to your school??? And can I come too???
How could you not mention that the entire day was one huge Gym class?? Gotta get the PE credit, ya know ;-)
You probably accomplished more in your "classroom" than they would have in a classroom with desks, chalkboards, pencils, and book . . . I'm a teacher and I totally believe this!
The world around us makes the very best classroom.
Good show!
Truancy in moderation is very restorative!
how fun!
Poor kiddos, stuck with such responsible parents ... *snicker*
What a gorgeous classroom!
Those sound like some valuable lessons so me!
Can you please adopt me?
Now THAT'S what I call a good learning experience!
That looks like so much fun! You're the mom all the other kids want!! And your kids are the ones who make me feel like the biggest clutz on the slopes! I'm struggling along and a 7 year old swishes by me at 70 miles an hour! :)
Absolutely love it!
HAH! Man, I miss skiing in REAL snow. BTW when we wanted to take our kids out of school in PA we had to write a letter tot he principal just like that- and when the kids came back from the Dominican Republic they had to produce essays telling what they learned.
...not so much in Georgia ;-)
All very valuable lessons indeed!
That looks better than any school day!
Your boys are going to remember these kinds of experiences forever!
Wonderful! I want to go to school like that!! :)
Every kid needs days like this, parents like you... well done!
What fun! And what lucky kids you have to have such fun and cool parents!
I LOVE this! must I say it again, you guys have the perfect life there. I am GREEN!
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