So imagine my excitement when Jen hosted a bloggy giveaway and I actually WON it. You have to understand that I never win anything. This is the first time I have ever won anything, ever! After many Canada Post-related delays (don't ask), I am now the proud owner of

With my very own message from Jen herself:

Fortunately, today is rainy here in Toronto, allowing the boys and me to bake without feeling guilty about how we 'ought to be outside'. Here's what's just gone into the oven:

(Sorry. Blogger is acting up, and insisting on showing this picture sideways).
I can't wait until it's ready, so I can sit back with a cup of tea, a slice of this yumminess and a good book.
Thanks, Jen! You rock!
I love the Mitford books--I didn't know they had a cookbook. Enjoy your day in the kitchen with your boys!
I didn't know there was a cookbook for this series either. I'm definitely checking out her blog. And hope you enjoyed your yummieness!
Those Mitford books are among my favorites! I'm guessing that's a really great cookbook just based on the wonderful descriptions of food prevalent throughout the series. I'm going to go and check out your friend's blog now. Have a great weekend.
Heidi, you make me sound like I'm some sort of goddess, when my husband and children can swear that I am all too human and imperfect.
I'm glad the book arrived and can't wait to read about your adventures with southern cooking.
XO, Jen
Congrats on your winning, I recently won a book online too! I was also very suprised.
The book looks so beautiful. I hope what came out of the oven was a resounding success too!
That looks like a great book. I would be excited about winning that too. Congrats!!!
Hooray!! Isn't it great to get fun things in the mail? And to have baking yumminess on top of that...again I say hooray!
That's great - I love getting things in the mail. That will be great with your new kitchen!
YAY, HEIDI! As a fellow non-winner, isn't it so fun when it finally happens? And it appears to me like yours was definitely worth waiting for. Dedicate a bite of your slice of yummy-ness for me, okay? Thanks :), and BIG HUG!
i so love getting mail. good for you.
Yeah! Congrats on winning the cookbook! Let us know if you come across any good recipes!
I HAVE THAT! And it is LOVELY - have fun with it!
Yay! Hope the banana bread was as yummy as it looks!
Wow - congrats on the big win! Now then, when should I be expecting these goodies in my mailbox? :)
Oooo!! It looks so pretty too! Congratulations on your first win! :)
Congrats on your big win! I am not much for you will have to let me know how it goes!
Oh...and don't be mad...but I tagged you at my site! :)
How cool is that! I never win anything, either. The last time was a cabbage patch doll ~ I think I was 7?
Well, congrats! I never win anything either. (I think everyone says that!)
YAY! You're a winner!
Happy baking!
Hurray! I love a win!
Congrats on your winnings!
Congrats - how nice!!!
Hope you are doing good - see you soon - Kellan
I also didn't know there was a cookbook--hooray!
oh fun and congrats! Let us know how the book is!
How fun! Hope you enjoy it!
Congrats to you! That is awesome! I'm a huge fan of banana bread. Especially when someone else makes it :)
A new cookbook to use in the new kitchen!
Congrats!!!! I'll have to get the recipe from you ... we love banana bread around here!
Lucky you - congrats :)
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