We are doing a repeat of November's high successful two day cruise to Germany, and this afternoon we sail into the sunset. Or, if the forecast is to be believed, into the rain.
As part of their Christmas present, our nephews are joining in on the fun, and as an extra bonus, my parents have also decided to come along.
And four boys 12 and under roaming a cruise ship is bound to be fun!
The kids are sharing one cabin, with a double bed, a single bed and a bunk bed. To sort out sleeping arrangements under these circumstances requires diplomacy and finesse.
Which is why why we've avoided broaching the subject.
I am crossing fingers that this will be resolved painlessly once the kids are actually onboard. Without tears over who gets to sleep in the wretched bunkbed.
This morning, Benjamin declared that he would not be using the lovely, glass-encased elevators while onboard. He's apparently concerned that his arms may get cut off by the elevator doors, and "I need my arms, you know, mamma." I have no idea where this newfound fear came from, but I am curious to see how long he'll last trudging up and down the stairs with his little legs on a 15 storey high cruise ship.
Dinner reservations have been made at our favourite restaurant onboard; the Grand Buffet. Because our kids - who are normally picky, disinterested eaters - absolutely adore buffets of any kind. The nephews have been regaled with stories of the bountiful chocolate cakes and ice cream freely available for consumption, but 12-year-old Joakim has much more refined culinary tastes. He's skipping lunch today, to ensure plenty of room for his preferred combo of lobster and fries. Yum, anyone?
Hold on to your colours, Color Line, because here we come!
Funnily enough, I always hated bunk beds...
I'm sure they'll sort themselves out... plus, they'll be too busy having fun running about the ship to stew over it for very long.
Have fun!
Good luck sorting those beds out and have a lovely trip!
Wow, that sounds like SO much fun!!! Can't wait to hear about it (considering I'm totally living vicariously through your blog posts!)
Wow that sounds wonderful. Cruise and buffet.
Let us know if Benjamin takes the steps or the elevator. "I need my arms", too cute.
I was never a fan of bunk beds either. I felt too close to the ceiling when on the top bunk and was always afraid to be crushed when on the bottom bunk. I'd rather take the mattress off and sleep on the floor!
Good luck and have fun!
Sounds wonderful! Have fun!
I hope that everything gets sorted out without tears! And I also hope that you have FUN.
How fun!!!! I hope you all have a great time.
Yes, kids are entranced by the idea of a smorgasboard - I guess the combination of actually having a choice (!) what they eat, plus the all-you-can-eat allure, make it an unbeatable dining experience!
Have a great time. I keep hearing about how the food on cruises is so wonderful- I can't wait to try it myself someday.
oh hope you guys are having a great time so far!!!!1
That sounds like good fun! What memories those boys will have.
Man you guys are so lucky! Sounds like a blast. Have a great time!
Wow - you are really living the dream. Have a great time!
Sounds like a blast! Have a good time.
Oh, L. would be in raptures over a cruise!
Have a glorious time.
Yet another reason I wish I was you.
Oh you hussy. Can your life be any duller? I mean really. Get out every now and then. Seriously. I'm becoming very concerned that you're so reclusive. Life is to be LIVED and it just saddens me to think of you passing time twiddling your thumbs.
I'll pray for you.
I'm here via Dragonfly.
How fun! Cruisin! Hope you post updates and pics.
Enjoy the lobster and fries.
Seriously - can I live your life?
Have fun!
GL settling the bedding and elevator issues. :)
And enjoy...because you will, no matter the little things that come up.
Sounds like such a great way to start the week! Have fun and take lots of pictures!
I always enjoy fries with my lobster!
Your trip sounds so fun! Those are some lucky boys you've got. I mean, assuming B comes home with his arms!
Will you please adopt me? I can cook and clean.....please Heidi? I can be packed and ready and meet you on the cruise ship....please?
Benjamin is such a wise little man. We really DO need our arms, after all. ;)
Have fun! And good luck with the sleeping situation. Growing up, we always fought over who got to sleep in the bunkbeds. They always seems to exotic and cool to us. HA!
Oh wow! That sounds amazing! Have fun!
Really! How do I get your life?! A cruise?! Do you kid know how blessed they are?! (of course they don't) but how wonderful for them all!
I think it'll all work out OR everyone will just have to switch up every night. FUN FUN FUN!
Can't wait to hear how it goes. AND I think lobster and fries sounds good too! YUM!
Yup, Heidi...toss the four boys in the room and let them sort out who gets what bed...HAHAHA!
Oooh, you are going to have such fun! Buffets AND lobster and fries AND Benjamin gets to keep his arms, mamma? What could be better! I just love your life right now :)!!
Sounds like a blast! Have a wonderful time, and good luck sorting out the sleeping arrangements!!
I was more afraid of collapsing bunk beds than arm eating elevator doors.
The elevator door thing is easy enough to rememdy once you show him that it opens back up if your hand gets in the way.
We've been on many cruises - several times with the kids. We arm them with walkie-talkies and let them go - they have the best time. Have a blast - I can't wait to hear all about it in a couple of days. See you soon Heidi - Kellan
Have a great time, my dear!
Fun! Can't wait to see pics!! :)
That sounds like HEAPS of fun. I wish I was on a cruise boat!
Oh what a wonderful adventure...I so wish I was there!!!!
Have a grand time!
Thanks for leaving a question for my 100th post!
Me, me! Pick me! I'll sleep in the bunk bed!! Just get me on a cruise, with glass elevators and a buffet! =)
Love the new header!!!
oh this sounds absolutely fantastic! hope you all enjoy yourselves. i am sure you will. take care!
Just tripped across your blog. What an adventure you are having!
Sounds wonderful -- enjoy!
(Will be waiting hear how the sleeping arrangements and glass-elevator phobia work out!!
He's right, you know. He DOES need those arms.
Can I just say - JEALOUS!
Buffets: One of the freat joys of childhood.
Sounds like so much fun. I hope you have an amazing time together.
My kids love buffet too! cute!
I can't wait to see some photos and read some stories afterward!
If he's afraid of the glass elevator, DO NOT introduce him to (or remind him of) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Wow,that sounds like a lot of fun. Especially the buffet part. My kids say they like bunk beds until they realize they will have to sleep in the same room!
Oh, have fun!! I can't wait to see pictures!!
Your travelling is really starting to get on my nerves.
Just kidding, have a GREAT time! I mean it, I really do! :)
Oh my, the visual of those 4 roaming the ship is hilarious. Have a wonderful time!
Oh wow, sounds like a fantiastically super fun time....sigh....your posts are so vivid they take me away, make me feel like I am there. Thank you!!
The part about Benjamin and the elevator doors cracked me up, kids and their imaginations, too funny!
So. jealous. Enjoy!!!!
I am soooo living vicariously through you! you have the BEST life! mine is downright boring compared!
So did Benjamin get over his fear of the glass elevator? Inquiring minds want to know!
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