Things were not going according to the plan.
So what do you do with four cranky boys who didn't want to go for a walk in the first place, and two sets of parents getting steadily more frustrated listening to the whining?
You get them READY: GO:

The winners:

There were no losers yesterday. I made sure of it, eating lots of chocolate and not exercising.
Bet they ended up having more fun! Connor loves to ride gokarts - he and my Dad go have a grandfather/grandson race whenever they can.
Plus you had chocolate? You rock!
Looks like the boys had fun! My husband and son would love to do that too!
And, I would most likely be eating chocolate with my daughter!
Looks like excellent boy mayhem. Good job.
I think the boys were much happier with the go carting than the walk! How fun :)
I LOVE go-cart racing! I'm selfish, though, and leave the kids at home =)
That looks like lots of fun. I am surprised that Mike and you didn't join them. You know how competitive Mike can be.
Hey, that looks like a lot more fun than exercising!
Chocolate and go-carts! Sounds perfect.
So is Norway just one big amusement park or what? Is there ALWAYS something fun to do just over the next gnoll?
You are one cool mom!
Sounds fun! My husband would be jelouse! He loves go-carts
What a fun day!! I'm glad you all have had such a good winter break! Have a good day Heidi - see you soon. Kellan
PS - Are you sure you can't go to SF in July? I wish you could go and I could meet you there. Not easy for you, I guess - being so far away. I will miss you.
You guys have SO much fun....
That looked fun, I always love Go-Carts.
You guys do the best stuff! I want to be in your family too! :)
K, that looks like a blast! They look terribly cute all up on the podium together.
That looks like so much fun!
Too Cool! I'd be with you scarfing down on the chocolate though:)
Very cool day.... and very cool mom.
THAT was an inspired idea you had there, Heidi! I hope you gave yourself extra chocolate for coming up with that! And thank you for not exercising FOR ONCE so I don't feel like such a lazy slug--HAHAHA!
How fun! That all looks way better than a park's pay area!
Looks like most excellent fun!
you rock it, every time.
That looks like so much fun!
Zoom zoom, indeed. Looks like you really REVVED them up!
What fun! Your family sure knows how to find/make a good time!!
Gosh!! How much fun can one family take?!?!?! Go-carts, chocolate, no exercising...where are you...heaven?!?!
Lucky boys! What a fun mom you are!
Oh, how fun!! I don't think I drove go-carts until I was in COLLEGE. I was deprived...or something. :)
Chocolate and racing? Color me jealous.
That looks so fun!
I remember the Frogner Park! It was only our 2nd trip 'over the pond' and the first time we saw nude sunbathers (it was midsummer). Mon mari loved that park. I loved the statues!
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