I've mentioned this before -- but he's 11 and he is still not eating more than a sparrow. A sparrow on a protein-only diet, that is.
Despite his infectious excitement last night, he only ate a bit of bacon, an egg and a couple of pieces of chicken. Dr. Atkins would've loved him like his own.
Of course, I've taken it upon myself to compensate for his lack of an appetite, certainly if we go by caloric intake. My sweet tooth has been out of control for the last, oh, 6.5 months. Ever since we came to the land of

How am I ever going to be able to leave a country that markets delicious milk chocolate wafers as a 'quick lunch'?
Seriously. The chocolate here is THAT good.

To prove that it is not just me, and in honour of Valentine's Day (and possibly to spread the pounds...I mean...eh...BOUNDS of joy!), I'm going to send one lucky commenter a box of delicious, ecstacy-inducing, Norwegian CHOCOLATE.
So go on, leave me a comment about your Valentine's Day plans, how chocolate once saved your life, or just to say hi.
Best friend random.org will pick a winner on Tuesday at 9 am EST, and voila! A day in chocolate heaven could be yours!
Happy Valentine's, everyone :)
Edited to add: For awesome pictures and a funny take on Valentine's, especially if you like wine or have kids, check out MamaGeek's amazing photo skillz and wit at What Works For Us! She's got it all - except Norwegian chocolate, of course...
Mmmm, chocolate! Happy "Balance Time Day" from Holly!
Oh! I enjoy Swiss and German chocolate..but I've never had Norwegian chocolate!!
We don't exactly have Valentine's Day plans, but we're having dinner with two other couples (and the little girl of one of them); we're making kabobs. Yummy!! Oh, and cheesecake for dessert. Also yummy! :) It's just a coincidence that it's Valentine's Day...
p.s. LOVE raclette!! :)
Oooh, chocolate would be good!!
FYI...chocolate saves my life (and sanity) everyday! Without it, I would most certainly be sitting in the corner of a rubber room somewhere!
Thanks for the early birthday wishes. I am really feeling blessed to have all 3 of my men under one roof for my day.
Have an awesome time at the cottage! Looking forward to great stories and pics when you get back!
Hallie :)
Yummy! Pick me!!!!
On my first ever date with the man who would become my hubby we shared a piece of chocolate cake after dinner. It was the best chocolate cake I ever tasted...and I blurted out something about it being wrong to have an "O" on the first date - and that the chocolate cake was O-material!
After it slipped out, I was a bit embarassed...but we laughed about it. And that evening I told my best friend I would marry him...and I was sOOOOOOOO right!!!
Enjoy your chocolate.
Oooh! How exciting!
Our plans are simple...husband and I exchanged cards this morning(Hallmark, of course, because only the very best will do!) We got the kids a couple of small (cheap) toys from Wal-Mart. I would rather them have that than candy...I prefer to save the candy all for myself!
And I wonder why my diet isn't working.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hey, I have a non-eater, too! WHAT DO THESE KIDS LIVE ON?
Oh, chocolate. My breakfast today: a mug of hot chocolate and a chunk of bread with Nutella. THIS IS STANDARD.
Nothing special for Valentines other than an extra long hug and kiss before work. Norwegian Chocolate rocks! (or at least I think it does ;) )
I love me some foreign chocolate. Mmmmm.
Happy Valentine's Day!
HAHAHA. Okay, Christopher is either my hero or a freak of nature. I do not understand how anyone can be uninterested in food because it has always been one of my main interests. Which would be why Christopher looks as he does and I look as I do!!! HAHAHA! Just wait a couple of years--Christopher will be eating you out of house and home! Well, maybe...
I am having a very Happy Valentine's Day because 1) I have the day off from work, 2) I got not one, not two, but THREE Valetine's Day e-cards, which I was not expecting, and 3) all of my laundry is done. :) Now, if only I had some chocolate!
Have a wonderfully Happy Valentine's Day, Heidi, my friend!
*arms waving wildly*
Pick me! Pick me!
I spent 3 months in Europe and agree - there is NOTHING like Norwegian chocolate. Store all that you can NOW!
You already know how I'm, sadly, spending Valentines. Thanks for the lurve friend.
Can I still enter even if I have no idea what a raclette is? But I'm sure I would enjoy it. :)
Happy Valentine's Day Heidi! Thanks for the generouse giveaway!
I feel sorry for people that have never taster European chocolate. It's like drinking a lifetime of Bud when Chimay is available, like chewing cardboard instead of croissants, drinking vinegar instead of Pinot Noir...
Yum! I had chocolate for breakfast this morning. My son doesn't eat a whole lot either and it really bothers me when people tell me how skinny he is, as if I don't feed him!
Yumm. I love international candy. Have you ever had Kinder bars? Ohhh gosh they are sooo good. I also love HobNobs or those Mc Vs
Yumm. I love international candy. Have you ever had Kinder bars? Ohhh gosh they are sooo good. I also love HobNobs or those Mc Vs
Well we plan to stay home and craft and have a tea party with Emily this afternoon.
About dinner, we forgot to make reservations anywhere so we will order in.
One year we tried to go out and couldn't get in anywhere...we ended up at DQ....everyone there looked at us in our fancy clothes like we were nuts.
It was one that I remember dear to my heart though, mmmmm, buffalo basket of chicken and fries, we made it a good one:)
Fingers are crossed in a hopeful, but doubtful, way. I never win anything!
Ok, I have to get this comment in before I leave this weekend. I have never had Norwegian chocolate, and I WANT ME SOME.
Oh, how I love European chocolate. When I was backpacking through Europe, I loved it that the Swiss hostels included a Toblerone bar with their "European Breakfast"!
Reasons why you should pick me to share yummy Norweigan chocolate goodness:
1. I am addicted to chocolate. I will eat it regardless of whether you feed my addition or not. I must have it every day.
2. Chocolate makes me happy. As you know, a happy mom = a happy family. You will be making not just 1 but 4(!!) people happy!
3. I am pregnant. Pregnant women love chocolate. (yes, I just went there)
4. I am a very giving person. I promise to share my chocolate with my co~worker, my hubby and maybe (if they are behaving that day) even my kids.
5. I will love you forever. (this is key ~ as if you do not give it to me, you will be on my shit list for the rest of your days). (only teasing ~ I will love you forever anyway, but this would make me love you more)
6. I want it the most ~ more than any of your other commenters. I have no way to prove it, however, you will just have to have faith in me.
7. I will enjoy every last morsel. It will not be wasted on me.
Now go, and make the right choice (which would be me!!)
(this was supposed to be funny but I really would love to be picked) :)
Comment! Chocolate! Comment for Chocolate!
Actually, I am going to get a bottle of local wine for my Honey. I also bought him, at his request, Cadbury Creme Eggs, which are nothin' like good. But he likes him. And I like to give him what he likes.
The boys got bears and chocolate, too. As did the daycare workers and my co-workers.
Yay! V-Day!
I've never had Norwegian chocolate. I've had British chocolate, and that's pretty darned good.
At any rate, Happy Valentine's day! Enjoy your sweets!
I am not a chcolate lover BUT I do love foreign chocolate.
Happy Valentine's day!!!
I'm wiping the drool off my keyboard...
Chocolate has saved my life MANY times...!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Well, my Valentine's story is on my blog, and it's not worth relaying. So I'm stopping in to say hi. :) I hope YOUR V-day is better than MINE.
Mmmmm. Yummy chocolate! I think chocolate is the only thing keeping me afloat right now. In this snow covered craziness chocolate is my little bit of salvation.
Yeah for giveaways! You are so sweet!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Well I just came to say hello, but I'd gladly take that chocolate off your hands if you like! :)
It isn't as fun when your "monthly visitor" arrives the day before Valentine's Day! My husband was laughing at me because I got up in the middle of the night for some chocolate orange sticks and the next day he says, "Who DOES that kind of thing?" To which I replied, have a period and then you'll understand.
:)Good Times, my friend. Good Times.
Ohhh. Looks like I stopped by to visit on the perfect day. heehee. Was thinking of ya and wondering how you are doing.
Pretty please put me in that drawing! You know how candy crazy I am!
Sounds like I should never go to Norway -- I'd be 50 pounds heavier in a few weeks. (And very constipated. heehee.) And yes, any candy that advertises itself as a quick lunch is ok in my book. (That's what I have for lunch many a day lately CANDY. Two weeks of PMSing! Gah!
When you have to come home you'll go to Jacques Torres Chocolate at mrchocolate.com. Actually I should win because I will send you some of his spicy peppery chocolate in return. It will make you want to come home...
I am a sad, pitiful American who has never traveled abroad. Sadly, my teenage son has...and he forgot to bring his mummy, yummy, European chocolate. I am forever sinking in the mire of pitiful, watered-down, 5% cocoa bean chocolate.
Sob, weep, boo-hoo, sniffle, sigh...
Don't you feel desperately sorry for me? My OWN child! Flesh of my flesh forgot to bring his self-sacrificing, most loving mummy the only goodie she has ever truly craved.
(Brown eyes, filled with heartbreaking tears stare into yours)
Oh! Alright! Just choose me! I love chocolate and didn't get any this Valentines Day :(
I did, however, get a nice fat check from my beloved who told me I wasn't allowed to spend a penny on anyone but myself.
He's wonderful!
I love chocolate. I eat it whenever I am stressed. I am so bad, I try to hide it from my kids so I do not have to share. What a bad Mommy.
HAve a great Valentine's Day !!!!
I have no stories, so I'll just say Hi!
does the pity vote count? the fact that i'm sick and weepy? probably not, most likely it's just pathetic.
yummmmmm.... chocolate. My son and I will be spending Valentine's Day in heaven as we eat through the heart shaped box.
I don't believe I've ever eaten Norwegian chocolate, and that's coming from someone who's even had Estonian chocolate.
Today, chocolate did NOT save my life. I had a rough day and, instead of stress eating my way through a pile of chocolate, I instead went for a second walk. Tonight, after dinner, I will reward myself with a small quantity of good quality organic chocolate.
Happy V-Day!
How can anyone not respond to chocolate? I made chocolate volcanoes - basically a big old hunk of brownie with some ice cream on top:) I'm wondering if I want dinner or whether I want to go straight to dessert! YUM!
My husband lives for Firklover chocolate.
Happy VDay.
Believe it or not....I am not that enamored with chocolate. Now...I have never met a chip OR a dip that I didn't like! :)
Of course....I have NEVER had Norwegian chocolate! (hee-hee)
My Valentine's plans involved unloading my children, going out to eat a wheelbarrow of sushi with my husband, and collapsing into a sushi-coma two hours later.
Do you know what was missing?
I never win anything - but I'd love to win me some chocolate!
Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day - have a good Friday! See you later - Kellan
I'm not proud. I'll beg. Me, me, me, me!
I wish I had the willpower to eat only "a bit" of bacon.
As opposed to the half-dozen slices I can inhale in two minutes.
Bring on the chocolate!
And to think I thought Norway was only famous for its fjords!!! I must try some of that chocolate! What a very fun giveaway. :)
Have a good weekend at the cottage Heidi. I think we are going away this weekend also - to our friends' ranch - the "mouse house" - but I'm looking forward to getting away. Have fun and see you later. Kellan
Norwegian chocolate? If it is as good as everything else that seems to come out of that country then I'm all for it!
pick me! pick me!
Am am a choc-a-holic of all times.
happy Valentine's Day girl!
(I have protein only eaters over here too. Maybe it's a guy thing?)
Hmmm.... for some reason chocolate in other countries (meaning NOT the US) is SO good. Here it's not worth the calories.
I love that feeling when you bite into a piece of good chocolate... it quite literally floods your body...
Hope you had a good VD!
Oh yes! Count me in! I love Belgian chocolate and I'd love to try Norwegian chocolate. What a country--"quick lunch!" Reminds me of how chocolate is used as a dementor-remedy in the Harry Potter books.
Also, I'm pregnant, baby loooovves chocolate! (Saw someone else pulled the pg card, so I figured I might as well, too!)
Count me in for chocolate from Norway! We're here in Ukraine enjoying European chocolate.
Yum!! Pick me! I've never tried Norwegian chocolate before!
Happy Valentine's Day!
i love all chocolate, but i am sure norwegian chocolate is the best!
i had lots of swiss chocolate on a flight home from switzerland once. that could be an entire post, though.
have a great weekend!
Chocolate saves just by being!
Imagine...a place where chocolate is lunch!
Pick me and I will want to come and get them!
Chocolate for a quick lunch? Sounds like my kind of place!
how can i turn down a chance at chocolate?
Our friends introduced us to this...I would love to have some! :)
Ohh I love chocolate. For Valentine's Day we had a special dinner at home of lobster, shrimp and cake. YUM.
There must be a little tiny bit of Norwegian blood in me because I've always thought chocolate wafers make a delicious quick lunch. :-)
Happy Valentine's Day. I surely deserve that chocolate because my romantic date was messed up by a vertigo attack ;-) And I promise to work off the extra pounds by tap-dancing....
Well, I have had my life saved by a Snickers bar once or twice....hope you had a lovely Valentine's! I've never had Norwegian chocolate, but when my sister was in Copenhagen doing her thesis she sent us a big box of Danish candy at Christmas....I don't think I'll ever forget the marshmallowy things shaped like diapers with yellow in the middle...and the ones that were named for garbage....it was very weird.
But put my name in the hat for some of the good stuff!
oh, now I know for sure I live in the wrong country. Chocolate as quick lunch!!
This year our Valentine's was pretty non-chalant. J and I made cookies and Valentine's for school. And this year J got treats instead of Hubby and I. But, the best part was that we had fun together even it it involved building Lego :).
Is it totally crazy (in a stalker way, of course) that I thought of you in Norway/EPCOT at Disney World last week, while buying Norwegian chocolate?!! LOL!
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