Day 2 of our cruise included a stop in Kiel for some souvenir shopping, where people looked at me with either pity or admiration as I trooped around with my four boys:

Otherwise, though, it unfolded much like day 1. Except for the time I spent worrying that my eldest nephew wasn't enjoying the cruise as much as I'd hoped. He never complained, but if you look at the pictures, you can clearly see his finger is hurting.
In the pool:

Drinking a slushie:

During dinner:

Following an encounter with the chocolate fountain:

And even while enjoying bar drinks:

Fortunately, he's a very brave soul who was able to tough it out:

it looks as though everyone is having a wonderful time, including your newphew!
OOooo, poor finger!
Ha! You are hilarious, Heidi!
Looks like you had a great time. I love traveling with my family! We are leaving for the Bahamas in a few weeks and I can't wait!
I love it, it looks like so much fun, finger and all :)
Oh my....what a cute bunch of boys! You're going to have girls calling your house at all hours in a couple of years!!
Hmmmm....If you wouldn't have mentioned it I would have just thought that you nephew was a big fan of The Fonz. Ayyyy!
You had me looking for some kind of injury on his finger ;-) I felt pretty silly when I figured it out. Looks like fun.
Omigosh ~ what a blast!! My boys would totally dig something like this!! :)
Hope you had some fun too ;)
HE seems to be toughing it out like a trouper, I'm sure the jr. bar drink helps though lol.
Looks like a blast!
And I get those four kid pity looks all the time! Welcome to my world lmao:) and seriously, how cute are they?!!
Glad to see you guys are having such a great time!
Nice. Part Junior and part Senior! Love it. What lucky boys!
I can't get past the idea of a chocolate fountain! Looks like fun is being had by all!
Glad everyone's still having such a great time!
They all look like they're having so much fun. Do we get an Ancient Cruising post for the grownups?
Looks like a blast! My daughter is a big fan of the "thumbs up", too :)
chocolate fondue fountains are very dangerous. I see hurt fingers coming away from those all the time. :)
Well, if my finger was hurting, I'd definitely be on a cruise swimming, slurping and enjoying a chocolate fountain!
Look at that noble lad, bravely bearing that pain....
Four boys!! You are now officially my hero!!
That chocolate fountain would be great.
That look like so much fun, please take me if you go again. Pleeeaaaase!
Love it! He seems to be having a great time! Love the thumbs up!
I think my finger would hur too after all that fun;)
Heidi you are too funny!!!!
What happened to his finger? You can tell him that I'm really trying to feel bad for him, but it is a little difficult considering he is on a cruise =)
BubTar has that very same finger affliction. LOL.
Little boys EVERYWHERE are envious of that adventure!
Look at those four boy faces--just look at them! Who wouldn't be just thrilled to troop around town with them!!! As for me, I'm still lovin' the bony little chests of the Junior Class. And lovin' the thumbs up of the Senior Class. There are times that nothing else says it quite like a thumbs up! How wonderful this is!
I am sensing a pattern here. :-)
I am sensing a pattern here. :-)
WOW! 4 boys on a cruise? That sounds like an adventure! :)
I am sure he had fun...even in pain!
Oh....wait...NOW I get it!
I am a little slow on the uptake...it is so hard to gauge sarcasm over the internet! :)
They are just as cute as the little brothers! Did you notice that sometimes both of his fingers *hurt*, poor kid!
Oh, I wish I could take my kids on a cruise. What fun. Thanks for sharing the pictures...
I'm so envious! Looks like you're having a fantastic time. Chocolate fountain ... yum.
LOVE the thumbs up!
Looks like a great time - gosh, you all have had such an adventure!
How cute!! My kids and I are always using the "thumbs up" to each other! Looks like everyone is having a great time - how FUN! Take care - Kellan
Been a long time since I commented, but am so enjoying your adventure. Sort of living vicariously through you and your family. What fun!!!
How funny! he was sure into that thumbs up!
LOL! And I'm sure there were looking at you with admiration - those boys look like fine little men.
Cute pics!
Looks like a great trip! Love all the pictures.
Mmmmm....chocolate fountain!!
Looks like everyone had a great time. :)
Poor kid! But then we Norwegians are a very stoic breed, aren't we?
Aren't ferries wonderful?
We used to take them when we lived in Ireland - there was a ferryport right across the bay from us.
Can I just repeat (because I'm sure I've said it before) that I think your boys are beautiful?
Ben and Jack haven't picked up the thumbs-up thing yet. I think I'm glad.
Can I just repeat (because I'm sure I've said it before) that I think your boys are beautiful?
Ben and Jack haven't picked up the thumbs-up thing yet. I think I'm glad.
They are having such a great time together... so cute, Heidi! Thumbs up to you for bravery, my friend, you and FOUR boys!!
I hope he wasn't saying "Sit on it" at the time. (that is what the fonz said isn't it?)
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